

Sleepyheads offers holistic remedies for users struggling achieve quality sleep


Elizabeth Lee

Ellison Hwang

Andrew Ibarra

Victoria Kasminoff


UX/UI Designer

Project Member


3 weeks


Many individuals struggling with sleep due to stress and anxiety, seek holistic techniques and tools for stress-relief to gain better quality sleep.


We created and expanded on two main features for this app:

  • Sound Library

  • Remedies Page


Sleepyheads is an app designed to allow users to develop a personalized sleep routine. Users can add sounds ranging from nature sounds to audiobooks to ASMRs. Users also have the option to try different remedies ranging from tea remedies to meditation routines. With their saved sounds and remedies, users can create and save a routine with their personal preferences. We started with creating lo-fi wireframes and made iterations to create a mid-prototype.


We conducted user interviews to understand how users' sleep habits and behaviors impact their daily lives. We interviewed 5 people. Our target participants were people who have trouble sleeping or have bad sleeping habits.

Based on the user interviews, we found some key takeaways:

  • Stress is the most common reason people do not get good quality sleep

  • It takes roughly an hour for people to fall asleep

  • Several holistic remedies have been tried, but people have a hard time sticking to them



To understand people's sleeping habits and quality of sleep better, we also conducted a survey.

From this, we found more evidence for a correlation between the quality of sleepy and the levels of stress in an individual.

How would you rate the quality of your sleep for a scale of 1 to 5?

Do you experience stress or anxiety that affects your ability to sleep?

How many hours of sleep do you typically get per night?

Affinity Diagram

We created an affinity diagram to organize and categorize the extensive amount of user research data we had collected. By synthesizing our finding into related groups, we were able to identify common themes, patterns and pain points experienced by our users.

User Persona

After collecting data from our user interviews, we created a user persona, which then helped us visualize what solutions would be best for her.

Meet Magenta Smith!

“Sleep deprived, but caffeinated... so balanced I guessed. ”

Student + Admin at Law Firm / New York City / 26 yrs old


  • Leads a busy life

  • Always doing something

  • Has high energy


  • She wants to find holistic sleep remedies to help calm her mind

  • She wants to improve the quality of her sleep

  • She wants a variety of options

Problem Statement

Many individuals struggling with sleep due to stress and anxiety, seek holistic techniques and tools for stress-relief to gain better quality sleep. 

How might we find a solution that offers holistic stress-relief aids, helping users relax and improve their sleep quality? 


Based on our user persona, we constructed a storyboard focusing on the issue of our target user and our solution.


Competitor Analysis

We then identified and analyzed similar apps to our own to see what strengths we can follow and what weaknesses we can avoid. We found several key points to note:

  • The design was visually pleasing and evoked a calming and dependable tone

  • Users expressed their dislike towards the high subscription prices

  • Users often complained about the spam notifications

User Flow

After establishing our story and analyzing the competitors, we developed our user flow by focusing on two main features:

  • Sound Library

  • Remedies Page

After creating the two features, our focus shifted to optimizing the task flows to ensure users can easily comprehend and utilize them.


Lo-Fi Wireframes

During the initial wireframing stage, each team member independently produced several wireframes. Subsequently, we reviewed and analyzed each of our creations to determine which concepts to incorporate from each team member into the next wireframing phase. Additionally, we deliberated on the desired styling for our prototype and identified the design that would best cater to the user's needs.

Iteration #1

Some users suggested to make a homepage with a browsing option.
To meet that need, we redesigned the "Top Remedies" and "Top Sounds" sections to be scrollable and more interactive for users.

Iteration #2

Some users found it confusing to identify the purpose of each page.
So we added titles onto each page and rearranged the layout to help users navigate and comprehend the purpose of each page more easily.

We made some other iterations:

  • Emphasized the Add to Favorites button

  • Redesigned Favorites page

  • Added a splash screen

Mid Fidelity Screens

Interactive Prototype

FInal Thoughts/Next steps

During this project, we encountered challenges in consolidating our feature ideas and combining our design concepts during the initial prototype stages. Upon establishing a clear design direction, we were able to integrated input from all team members into the prototype.

In the future, we want to incorporate a “Sharing Night Routine” feature and a discussion page for users to engage in exchanging advice. In a future iteration, we would want to reduce the clutter on the pages.

As this was our first group project since beginning my UX/UI design journey, we had only acquired the skill of creating mid fidelity prototypes during this project. While this was our first project, it was extremely rewarding to challenge our research and creative skills and witness notable improvement as the project progressed.